Our wedding day has come and gone. Almost two months ago. But life has been so busy that I haven't even been able to upload favorite photos or post anything about the day here.
June 24
th 2008
The day was perfect. Actually the entire time was wonderful. But I'll start with that day.
The boys (Ian and Logan) were on their best behavior. My favorite part of the morning was Ian half teasing Logan because he had not wished Keith or me a happy birthday. It was more of a you should do it, in a "whisper" that could be heard while I was walking to the breakfast table at the hotel.
After breakfast the errands began. My mom, Mary Beth (Keith's step-mom) and I left the guys to fend for themselves for several hours, leaving around 9AM and hoping to be back by noon.
Off to the bakery. Simple enough, 36 vanilla cupcake with plain white icing... wonder if they knew it would be for a tier stand that would be our wedding cake.
Off to the restaurant. They took the cupcakes and let us put aside the favors, wine glasses and the presents for the boys in a side closet. But due to a last minute luncheon prior to us using the room, we would have to come back after three that afternoon to set anything up. "It's OK; it can be done" mom said, we'll leave the hotel at 3, come here (five minutes away) and still make it to the park (another ten minutes away) by 4.
Off to the manicurist. The night before, Mary Beth, realized she hadn't done her nails or gotten a pedicure. Mom took care of it, called her manicurist and made her an appointment. A quick stop at the deli next door to order a few sandwiches for lunch that we could pick up when we came back. And then my mom realized there were two bills she needed to drop off, so we ran around to do that.
Off to my parents. Just to pick up a few things. Note: the hotel, just for fun to be with all the family was only 15 minutes from my parents house.
Off to get the flowers. A call from daddy as we're on the way out the door... is it raining there yet? No. He was leaving work and it was coming down in sheets. He works 15 minutes opposite the hotel from my parents house. We get to the florist and the sky is dark. But we must stop at the hardware shop to see an old friend first, just a quick hi, we have 5 minutes to get flowers and get back to pick Mary Beth up. The flowers are gorgeous! My mom and I had review images on line from four states away on the phone. She said she'd order them since I couldn't make it back up and I knew this florist does lovely work but still was awestruck that they were so perfect. The flowers were in the truck and then the sky opened up.
Off to pick up Mary Beth. The girls were all concerned.... oh your wedding day. They ran next door to the deli to check the weather channel and came back exclaiming that it will be OK, just a quick storm it will pass and the skies will clear. Mary Beth's nails aren't dry. We wait a few minutes but it's already noon. I need to get back, eat lunch, get myself showered, get the boys bathed, let Keith get in the shower and leave by 3! Mom leaves because daddy called. A story I'll have to tell another day. ;-) She walks out saying she'll get the sandwiches. I get Mary Beth into the truck and buckled so she won't ruin a nail.
Back at the hotel. We attempt to politely kick everyone out of the hotel room, so we can get ready but Keith's brother has just arrived. So we quickly eat sitting on the beds. By 1:30 everyone is out of the room. Thankfully while I was gone, Keith has ironed everything that needed ironed and gotten things laid out. I hop in the shower then throw on a robe while I get the boys a bath and Keith shaves. Then the boys, trying to help got themselves dressed at least in socks, pants and t-shirts. Keith's in the shower and I'm drying my hair and putting on makeup. Somehow all of this is done in an hour and a half.
Off to the restaurant. My mom, Nana, Ian and I get in the truck. The rest pile into various cars to go to the park. Mom and I make quick work of getting all the favors/name cards out and the cupcake tier put together and the boys gifts hidden but reachable.
Off to the park. The weather has cleared. It's absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and perfectly blue. We arrive and mom gets
Nana down to the gazebo. She comes back to say I have to wait a few minutes because the laptop (which is needed for me to sing) is still in daddy's car. That's
OK, for the first time that day I can breathe. It's here!
Walking up the park path, my son by my side, my family smiling, and my husband to be was just wonderful to see. No tears this time. All smiles!
Back to the restaurant. The reception was lovely and the food was fantastic. One small scary moment which probably
embarrassed my sister more than anything she had her heart rate accelerate and paramedics were called but was feeling
OK after about 15 minutes.
Finally back at the hotel at 930. Exhausted but needing to get a few things taken care of. Keith's nephews say they will play with the boys for a few minutes while we get their things moved to the other room and get changed. Finally got to very wound up boys off to bed in mom and daddy's room around 1030 and then said our good nights to everyone else.
As rushed as it was, or maybe seemed, I wouldn't change a thing! It was
perfect and I'm happy!