10 January 2006

Hi Y'all

My name is Pamela Lynn (first name anyways; yep two of them)...
I've been happily married to my DH Jeffrey for 10 years now; it's had it's ups and downs but mostly it's great!
We have a blessing of a son, Ian who just turned 6 and is loving kindergarten.
Also, we have two cats Oreo and Tigger who are 9 and a half.
Flutterby is the name of a book about a pegasus, that I read as a child and 7 is my favorite number.
I live in Hampton, VA and love it here. I'm close enough to family in MD, PA and NJ that I can get there when I need to but far enough away that they can't just drop in whenever.
I created this because I love my friend Melissa's so much. I met her on-line at a place called Scrapshare. I had the wonderful privilege of meeting her in-real-life a couple months ago.


Mel said...

Awww.... thanks!
I bet you will enjoy it... no one that I have gotten "hooked" on blogging has complained yet!!

agent713 said...

I've complained. I'm obsessed. It's horrible :P

Glad to seem I'm not the only who has been sucked in Pam ;)


Pamela Lynn ~ flutterby7 said...

Yep... obsession is my fear too...
Nope you aren't the only one and I'm sure we won't be the last... Just kidding Melissa.

Mel said...

Hey someone else told me today they started a blog because of me!!!

I just love being a trendsetter!!!!

Veronica said...

Welcome to blogging :)

You know my first exposure to blogs was when Cowtown Stacy emailed me a link to hers. At first she had it set so that only bloggers could leave a comment. I didn't want to become a blogger (I didn't even know what that was!) but I wanted to leave a comment....so I signed up.

I thought, I'll just keep a private blog, just for me. And I did for a while.

Then when I went on my trip, I thought I could use my blog to keep you all informed of my travels (and I did to some extent ;))

And now - I am just addicted. I feel the need to post almost daily, sometimes more than once a day. There's no hope for me now.

Just wanted to tell you all that, so you know what you're in for ;)